1-bedroom Apartment for sale in Mahmutlar.100s of properties and projects for sale in Mahmutlar Alanya by IDEAL Real Estate
1-bedroom Apartment for sale in Mahmutlar
Why Mahmutlar properties are popular among home buyers and investors?
1 bedroom apartment for sale in Mahmutlar, Mahmutlar is a district in Alanya that was earlier a town with its municipality management, but today Mahmutlar is one of the biggest tourist areas that are under the Alanya Municipality. In Mahmutlar you can find all sorts of amenities that will meet your needs. There are two local bazaars where you can buy seasonal fruits, vegetables, and textile goods. You will be pleasantly surprised by the large selection of various cafes and restaurants of cuisines worldwide. If you are looking for shopping, then there is a spacious modern shopping center “Yekta Mall” with different brand boutiques and leisure activities. There are bank branches, government institutions, private medical clinics, and many other amenities in Mahmutlar.
Features of 1-bedroom apartment for sale in Mahmutlar:
For more information about 1 bedroom apartment for sale in Mahmutlar, Alanya, and the otherproperties for sale in Mahmutlar, Alanya, contact us by Viber-Telegram-Whatsapp at +90 506 658 90 90 or mail to info@idealandpartners.com.
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Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen bize ulaşın.
Portföy ismi | 1-bedroom Apartment for sale in Mahmutlar RSB |
Emlak Tipi | Daire |
Durum | Yeni |
Completion Date | 2023 December |
Ülke | Türkiye |
Şehir | Alanya |
Yer | Mahmutlar |
Distance to Beach | 600 m |
Distance to City | 200 M |
Distance to Airport | 35/125 km |
Distance to Shopping | 100 m |
Distance to Golf | 110 km |
Planlar | 1+1, 3+1 |
Büyüklük (m²) | 49 m² |
Büyüklük (m²) | 152 m² |
En düşük fiyat | €95.000 |
En yüksek fiyat | €245.000 |
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