Sisli properties for sale in Istanbul
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Sisli properties for sale in Istanbul : # 4907 

Multy usage property Nida Park Bomonty apartments and shops are for sale now in Sısli Istanbul now. 638 units are for sale in Bomonti Sisli

Nida Park Bomonti for sale in Istanbul

  • One of the best multi-usage project in Istanbul
  • There are 3 independent buildings:
a)39 floors Tower
b)2 other blocks
c)599 Housing units
d)60 offices
e)18 shops
  • Nida Bomonti is totally 18.000 land, 638 unit and %70 of the area is devided for green area.There are apartments as 1+1, 2+1, 3+1, 45,+1
  • Apartments are 1+1, 2+1 ,3+1, 4,5+1
Features of Nida Park Bomonti in Şişli
  • Closed Parkin
  • Spa center
  • Swimming Pools
  • Fitnees and GYM
  • 24/7 Security
  • Meeting Room
  • Restarurants
  • Shoppin facilities
Close to:
Firts of all Project is at one of the best location as Bomonti Şişli
  • Metro Station 1 Km
  • E5 High way 1,5 Km
  • City Center 5 Km
  • Zorlu Center 1 Km
%50 Down Payment and 30 Months Installment
For more information about Nida Park Bomonti in Sisli Istanbul, and the other properties for sale in  Istanbul , contact us by Viber-Telegram-Whatsapp on +90 506 658 90 90 or mail to  Our agents will contact you as soon as possible.

 Voor meer informatie en vragen kunt u vrijblijvend contact met ons opnemen.

*Deze gegevens en cijfers worden geacht juist te zijn, maar de nauwkeurigheid kan niet worden gegarandeerd en maken evenmin deel uit van een contract.

Beschrijving# 4907 

Aanbod naamNida Park Bomonti apartments and shops for sale in Istanbul
Aanbod typeAppartementen en Penthouses
StatusIn aanbouw
BeeindigingsdatumJune 2020
StreekSisli Bomonti
Distance to CityCentral City
Distance to Airport34 Km
Distance to Shopping1 Km to Zorlu C
Plattegronden1+1, 2+1, 3+1, 4+1
Afmeting vanaf (m²)65 m²
Afmeting tot (m²)241 m²
Bouwgrond18000 m²
Prijs vanaf$1
Prijs tot$1

Valuta omrekenen


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