Folkart Tower office for sale in İzmir
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Folkart Tower office for sale in İzmir : # 3727 

Folkart Tower office is for fale now in Bayrakli in izmir. Office is at 25. floor and the sales price is pretty good.

Prestigious project of Izmir Folkart Tower for sale

  • Folkart Tower office is great investment in Izmir
  • Monthly rental income is 7000 TL and ready renter for the office
  • Office is for sale at Folkart Tower is at 25. Floor
  • Office is ready to move
  • Folkart Tower is 25 Km close to airport
  • Office is 180 sqm


For more information about Folkart Towers office for sale in Izmir and and for the other offices for sale in Izmir, do not hesitate to contact us. Our agents will contact you in 24 hours time.



 Voor meer informatie en vragen kunt u vrijblijvend contact met ons opnemen.

*Deze gegevens en cijfers worden geacht juist te zijn, maar de nauwkeurigheid kan niet worden gegarandeerd en maken evenmin deel uit van een contract.

Beschrijving# 3727 

Aanbod naamOffice for sale at Folkart Tower in İzmir
Aanbod typeCommercieel Vastgoed
StreekBayrakli İzmir
Distance to Airport25 Km
Afmeting (m²)180 m²

Valuta omrekenen


Contact - Office for sale at Folkart Tower in İzmir

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